Some Recent Professional Activity
Edinburgh cityscape from film The Illusionist
–Managing Editor, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2024-)
–Editor-in-chief, Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Nature (2014–)
–Member of editorial board, Tunisian Journal of Mathematics (2018–)
–Member of editorial board, Mathematika (2008-2017)
–Editorial advisor, Bulletin, Journal, and Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2013–2014)
Selection and Evaluation Panels:
--Quality Review of the School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin (2025)
--Christopher Zeeman Medal Selection Panel, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications and London Mathematical Society (2024)
–Hirst Prize Selection Panel, London Mathematical Society and British Society for the History of Mathematics (2023)
–Ho-Am Prize selection committee (2022)
–Selection Panel, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (2022–)
–Chair of Michael Atiyah Fellowship Selection Panel, London Mathematical Society (2023–)
–Selection Panel, Leonard Eisenbud prize in mathematics and physics, American Mathematical Society (2019-2022)
–Assessment Committee, Dutch Research Council, Open Competition-XL programme 2021/2022 –Evaluator, Cambridge Biostatistical Unit, Medical Research Council (2023).
–Evaluation Committee, Mathematical Institute, University of Zurich (May, 2022)
--Selection and Evaluation Committee, Institute for Basic Sciences, Korea (2021--)
--International Secretary, London Mathematical Society (2024--)
–Scientific Steering Committee, Isaac Newton Institute (2021–)
–Member of Council, London Mathematical Society (2021–)
–Global Engagement Working Group, London Mathematical Society (2024–).
–Head of Oxford Number Theory Research Group (2012-2020)
–Colloquium convener, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2012-2019)
–External Advisory Member, Institute for Mathematical Innovation, University of Bath (2022–)
–Member of scientific committee, Korean Mathematical Society (2011-2016)
–Member of governing body, Merton College, Oxford (2011-2020)
Academic Organising:
–Organiser of Workshop on Mathematics and Literature, KIAS August 2024
–Organiser of Machine Learning Discussion Day, KIAS, August 2023
–Co-organiser (with Hyungju Park) of Samsung Global Research Symposium on Mathematics and
Artificial Intelligence, July 2023
–Co-organiser (with Karine Chemla and Agathe Keller) of Workshop on Arithmetic, Algebra,
Geometry, a Global Approach, KIAS, August 2023
–Co-organiser (with Karine Chemla) of Workshop on A Global History of Mathematics: An Urgent
Human Concern, ICMS Edinburgh, October 2022
–Organiser of three-year thematic programme on arithmetic geometry and quantum field theory, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (2017–2019)
–Co-organiser (with J. Harvey) of the arithmetic geometry and quantum field theory online seminar (2020–)
–Co-organiser (with Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa, and Sergei Gukov) of International Workshop on arithmetic geometry and quantum field theory, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, August, 2017, 2018, 2019
–Member of scientific committee, multi-national conference series on Pan-Asian Number Theory (2011–)
–Co-organizer (with Peter Scholze) of Clay Mathematical Institute Research Workshop on Motives and Automorphic Forms, September, 2015
–Seminar organizer of AMS summer research institute in algebraic geometry, Salt Lake City, Utah, July, 2015
–Member of organizing committee for the International Congress of Mathematicians 2014
–Co-organizer (with Ulrike Tillmann) of Clay Mathematical Institute Workshop on Higher Structures in Topology and Number Theory, April, 2013
–Co-organizer (with Fred Diamond and Payman Kassaei) of the Durham Mathematical Symposium, ‘Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations,’ July, 2011
–Co-organizer (with John Coates, Florian Pop, Mohamed Saidi, and Peter Shcneider) of five-month program on ‘Non-abelian fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry,’ Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, July-December, 2009
–Co-organizer (with John Coates, Richard Taylor, and Andrew Wiles) of workshop on ‘Non-abelian fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry,’ Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, July, 2009
–Co-organizer of London-Paris number theory seminar, 2008–2011
–Co–organizer (with Jean-Benoit Bost and Jean-Marc Fontaine) of Asian-French summer school on algebraic geometry and number theory: Motives and related topics, Institut des Hautes E ́tudes Scientifiques, France, July, 2006.