Presentation Slides
Recent Presentations
Diophantine Equations In Two-Variables and the Arithmetic Shapes of Solutions, Pasadena, 2022.
Measurement, Calculation, and History, Vancouver, 2022.
Path Integrals and p-adic L-functions, Cambridge, 2022
Quantum Field Theory as Mathematical Formalism: The Case of Arithmetic Geometry, Muenchen, 2022.
Three Identities of Michael Atiyah: A Personal View, 30th Anniversary Meeting, European Mathematical Society, 2022.
Some Recent Progress on Diophantine Equations In Two-Variables, BMC/BAMC, 2021.
Index Theory and Gauge Theory in Arithmetic Geometry, Cambridge, 2021.
How hard is it to learn a mathematical structure?, Nottingham, 2021.
Some Structural Problems Common to Arithmetic Geometry and Quantum Field Theory, Nankai, 2021.
Some Recent Progress on The Effective Mordell Problem, Sydney, 2020.
Some Recent Progress on the Diophantine Geometry of Curves, Jerusalem-Beersheba, October, 2020.
Mathematical Equilibrium in Nature and Society, Judicial Research and Training Institute Ilsan, 2020.
Arithmetic field theories: some examples and speculations, Ben Gurion/Hebrew, 2020.
Some Arithmetic Path Integrals, Institute for Advanced Study, 2019.
Physical Mathematics: The Case of Number Theory, Perimeter Institute, 2019.
Diophantine Geometry and Principal Bundles, Perimeter Institute, 2019.
Some arithmetic path integrals, New Your, 2019.
Some questions on class field theory and model theory, Oxford, 2018.
Arithmetic Gauge Fields in Diophantine Geometry, Simons Foundation, 2018.
Quantum number theory? Some speculative remarks, Amsterdam, 2017.
A superficial introduction to Langlands functoriality, KIAS, 2016.
If I get very energetic one of these days, I will try to upload slides for all the following recent presentations.
Plenary Lectures:
–Public Lecture, Congress of the Pacific Rim Mathematical Association, December, 2022
–Arizona Winter School on Arithmetic Geometry (series of 4 lectures), March, 2020
–Einstein Lecture, Christ University and International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengalaru, December, 2018
–London Mathematical Society, Midlands Regional Meeting, Leicester, June, 2018.
–Euro–Korean Symposium for the Advancement of Science, CNRS Oleron, France, May, 2016.
–Korea Foundation of Science and Technology Societies, Ultra Programme, March, 2016.
–SIAM conference on applied algebraic geometry, July, 2015.
–Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium XI, August, 2014.
–Bridges Conference on Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture, August, 2014.
–Asian Mathematical Conference, July 2013.
–The XII meeting of the Canadian Number Theory Association, 2012.
–McGill University Bellairs Workshop in Number Theory, Barbados, May, 2012.
–Fondation Mathematique Jacques Hadamard, Cours d’Arithmetique et de Geometrie Algebrique, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, France, February, 2012.
–Joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Korean Mathematical Society, 2009.
–Workshop on Explicit Methods for Rational Points, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada, February, 2007.
–Charles R. DePrima Memorial Lecture in Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, December, 2022
–Centre for Geometry, Topology, and its Applications, University of Southampton, May, 2020
–University of Pennsylvania, March, 2020
–Colloque des Sciences Math ́ematiques du Qu ́ebec, March, 2019
–Perimeter Institute, March, 2019
–Columbia University, January, 2019
–University of Notre Dame, December, 2018
–International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengalaru, December, 2018
–Mathematics and Physics Colloquium, University of Heidelberg, November, 2017
–Mathematics and Physics Colloquium, University of Amsterdam, May, 2017
--Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, April, 2016.
–University of Edinburgh, February, 2016.
–Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences Distinguished Visitor Lectures, Lethbridge, Canada, June, 2014.
–British Mathematical Colloquium, April 2011.
–University of Sheffield, November, 2009.
–University of Leicester, October, 2009.
–University of Lille, November, 2008.
–Kings College, London, March 2008.
–University of Exeter, March, 2008. –University of Durham, February, 2008.
–University of Leeds, January, 2008.
–30th Anniversary Meeting of the European Mathematical Society, April, 2022
–Chern-Simons and other Topological Field Theories, Berkeley, November, 2021
–Morning Lecture, British Mathematical Colloquium, April, 2021
–Conference on ‘The Unity of Mathematics’ in memory of Michael Atiyah, Isaac Newton Institute, September, 2021.
–Montpellier-Toulouse, joint workshop on arithmetic geometry, November, 2019
–Workshop on Structure and Symmetry, University of Edinburgh, September, 2019
–Simons Symposium on p-adic Hodge theory, May, 2019
–Simons Conference on geometry, moonshine, and strings III, February, 2019
–Gauge Theory Ideas in Number Theory, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengalaru, December, 2018
–Iwasawa theory and related topics, Heidelberg, May, 2018.
–Simons Symposium on periods and L-values of motives, Schloss Elmau, Germany, May, 2018 –Workshop, ‘Towards a new theoretical biology’, University of Pennsylvania, April, 2018 –Paris-Tokyo-Beijing arithmetic geometry seminar, IHES, France, April, 2018
–Simons Conference on geometry, moonshine, and strings II, March, 2018
–London-Paris number theory seminar, November, 2017
–Simons Conference on geometry, moonshine, and strings, September, 2017
–Workshop on physics, geometry, and number theory, Chern Institute, Nankai, China, July, 2017
–Workshop on arithmetic Chern-Simons theory, Leiden, Netherlands, May, 2017
–Simons Symposium on p-adic Hodge theory, Schloss Elmau, Germany, May, 2017
–Workshop on arithmetic aspects of moduli spaces, EPFL Lausanne, February, 2016.
–Workshop on topology and quantum numbers, Seoul National University, January, 2016.
–Workshop on arithmetic and homotopy theory, Imperial College London, September, 2015.
–Conference in memory of Robert Coleman, May, 2015.
–Conference in honour of the 70th birthday of John Coates, Cambridge, March, 2015.
–Workshop on multiple zeta values, modular forms and elliptic motives, Madrid, December, 2014.
–Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference, Vancouver, May, 2014.
–Conference on Galois representations and arithmetic geometry, in honor of Sir Martin Taylor’s 60th birthday, Bordeaux, July, 2012.
–Workshop on the motivic fundamental group, Lorentz Center, Leiden, April, 2011.
–Research workshop on the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, Royal Society Kavli Center, April, 2011.
–Seoul-Tokyo conference on arithmetic and algebraic geometry, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, November, 2010.
–ICM Satellite conference on Galois representations, Goa, August, 2010.
–ETH Zuerich and EPF Lausanne Number Theory Days, Zu ̈rich, April, 2010.
–Conference on the arithmetic of fundamental groups, Heidelberg, February, 2010
–Conference on algebraic and arithmetic geometry, Essen, February, 2010.
–Durham Symposium on ‘New directions in the model theory of fields,’ Durham, July, 2009.
–Workshop on geometry and arithmetic around Galois theory, Istanbul, June, 2009.
–Workshop on finiteness for motives and motivic cohomology, Regensburg, February, 2009.
–Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry: Diophantine approximation and Arakelov theory, Fields Institute, Toronto, October, 2008.
–Symposium on rational points on curves and higher dimensional varieties, Warwick, June, 2008.
--Workshop on arithmetic geometry, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, NCBS Conference Centre, Bangalore, India, March, 2008.
–Mainz-Heidelberg-Munich-Vienna joint Seminar on Mathematical Physics
–Sydney Mathematical Research Institute, Algebra and Geometry Seminar, December, 2020
–String Theory Seminar, Queen Mary University of London, May 2020
–High Energy Theory Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, April, 2019
–Mathematical Physics Seminar, Perimeter Institute, March, 2019
–Number Theory Seminar, University of Warwick, December, 2018
–Number Theory Seminar, University of Stockholm, June, 2018.
–Philosophy of physics seminar, University of Oxford, May, 2018
–Logic seminar, University of Oxford, May, 2018
–Quantum field theory seminar, University of Oxford, May, 2018
–Beijing-Paris-Tokyo Number Theory Seminar, IHES, France, April, 2018
–Mathematical physics seminar, University of Heidelberg, November, 2017
–Arithmetic geometry seminar, University of Heidelberg, November, 2017
–Number theory seminar, Hebrew University, April, 2016
–Number theory seminar, University of Warwick, March 2013
–Seminar on quantum groups, non-commutative geometry, and algebraic model theory, Queen Mary University of London, February, 2011
–Number theory seminar, University of Paris VI, November, 2009
–Number theory seminar, University of Cambridge, November, 2008
–Arithmetic geometry seminar, Strasbourg, February, 2008